Thursday 25 February 2010


when Rage Against the Machine stated they were going to hold a free concert for making them Christmas number one, I was quite eager to get my hands on a ticket. When they announced you had to register first hand and then load a photo for approval, I did so. I received my number to put into the site when the tickets were released. So that morning, I waited and set my alarm to not miss out. Which, if anyone knows me its easy, as I am easily distracted! I logged in to the site and noticed it kept on crashing. I opened a few different browsers and waited......waited...... 25 minutes after the said time I was in. Bearing in mind I was doing other things at the same time and the fact that I had even noticed it had gone to the other page was amazing. Anyway, I put my number in , but then noticed there was a slot for another number. Then it dawned on me, every single ticket had to have a photo on. Not, two people going in on one ticket like I had assumed. Bugger! I would have no time what so ever to upload another photo and get that approved. So now I have a solo ticket for me! I am sure if I read the small print I would have noticed, haha. I am now on the quest to find any others that may have gotten a ticket. If not then I will be going solo! AGH! Serves me right for rushing into things again.

I am about to go into the studio and get tucked into a few more paintings. Which reminds me I have no ink left in my printer. Why do they make them so small? Such a nuisance really.

I see the Killer whale in Florida has yet again killed a person. So why do they insist on keeping them in captivity? It brings me back to the pet owners that think their pet wont hurt anyone. How do they know? You cant read people so why does it seem different with animals?

Well my turps are calling so cheerio for now.


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