Well I have arrived home after a lovely break in France. We have recently aquired a lovely house in need of updating shall we say. Our voyage over the channel was not without mishap as I get terribly seasick, and did so! The weather was fantastic and the house even more special. I feel even more inspried and can't wait to boot the children into school so I can finally have some me time. Of course I do love them but ..............my sanity is looming!
In the evenings in France we sat on our terrace and looked over the rolling hills. We watched Eagles soar and listened to the squirrel like creatures rustling around in the attic. The bats venturing out and flying about. Hummingbird moths appeared and let us know their presence, as the odd snake and many a lizards. We drank wine and soaked the sun. The children explored and splashed in the pool. We ventured off exploring the neighbouring villages and lakes, even the neighbours. We tried all the cheeses we could find and the bread did a fair turn as well. We dipped in the cascades and lakes. It was truly magical and I cant wait to get back there. But for now I have to tend the flock and sort things out here.
I have paintings which need to painted and projects that need tying up.. Time will go quickly and with the fullmoon only a few days away I feel my energy levels will peak soon so I better get cracking!
The whole time we were gone we didnt read any newspaper or see any news. We never missed it either. Void of all the negative energy it brings.
Yesterday, as I sat in the back garden I looked up to the sky. The first sign of the v shaped formation the birds have made. To me this signals the end of summer. The birds heading south, on their way to pastures warmer. THis saddens me but I suppose if we never had winter , we wouldnt appreciate summer as much. Its whole balance thing again.
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