Well whoever came up with idea of spring cleaning obviously overlooked autumn cleaning. Why dont we ever say this instead? I mean what with the fly carcasses, shit, spiders and their cobwebs this is a huge job.. It may been over looked by me this year if it wasnt for the massive cobweb hanging from the ceiling to my grandfathers clock. Oh and there was that spider that scurried across the floor that I heard before I saw. My nan used to say it had boots on. This time of the year they are all finding their way in to nest for the winter I swear! I awlays seem to notice them coming in before it rains as well. They are my little weather forcasters. Well today I decided to get the hoover out and oust them all. And that I did.
I have yet to delve back into the studio as I have been getting all the jobs that I wanted to all summer, finished. But this week I will be in there. Creating.
I am also in the process of having a tattoo removed. I got this particular one years ago after having broken up with a boy. He hated them and in my rebellion I decided I was going to get one. Of course being a stupid idiot, rather than research the whole thing, I just dove right in and let this woman do what she wanted to me. After I found out I was one of her first clients! I mean you could tell looking at the work. Shaky lines and just awful. But I stuck to my guns and wore it like a badge. The girl I was with kept egging me on to get it as well. Gullable and stupid was I! And yes I even bought those cream and scrubs that did nothing to get rid of it. . I even poured TCA on it. I was not wanting to do the laser thing as the scarring is just awful and very painful so I hear. But still it is there to haunt me. Then I saw a wee ad in my local rag. Caroline who is a gem, uses a process called ERASE. She injects some gear into my skin which reacts with the pigment and my body breaks it up. It forms a scab which then draws the pigment out. It hurts no more than when I had the tattoo done. And it is up to you the way your body handles it. I am left with a pink line where the skin has healed, and I know that will turn white over time. I have had another area done and already I am noticing it healing diff than the last. I keep putting scar and oil creams on to aid the healing process. It is quite intersting to see how it is progressing really. I just cannot curse myself enough for getting it in the first place but at least now I have an option.
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