Thursday, 19 February 2009

clickity clack

Well yesterday, much like today I am off up to London. I find it quite interesting on the train, watching all the drones doing their daily grind. Barely having the strength to even give you a passing glance. But I do like the fact I can be anyone on the train. Blend in. haha .. When I was younger and flew alot I would relish in concocting elaborate stories of a fictitious life to tell my seat mate. I would watch them with their eyes wide and all believing or were they? They most likely thought I was some young punk, bored. And this I would have to say was true. What else was I going to do on these long flights. I had seen the films already.. haha

Anyway, back to the train. So yesterday the train coming back was severely delayed to a fatality. I know enough that it meant someone had died. And all I could hear around me was people moaning about missing connecting flights and deadlines and blah blah blah. Not one mentioned anything about the poor sod who's life had been taken. This it seems, is the society we are living in.. Everyone out for themselves, no support for each other. . I have known this for quite sometime but seem to block it out. But every once in a while I find another individual that actually does care and is supportive and that warms me. What happened to the free spirits of this world? Are they all hiding? Is it only alive in our children?

So today when I take this train journey I am going to look people in the eye and say hello to them. Bearing in mind when I usually do this it does not always work out so well. I have been looked at like I have three heads or I am going to mug them. But I shall rise above it and spread a little sunshine on that train, whether they want me to or not!

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