As I flick through the pages of the newpaper, glance across the headlines, looking for some real news. Not gossip or speculations, which there is an abundance of. Who cares if so and so had a tit job! I come across the all familiar headlines. Company closes or makes redundances. Now most of these companys, in the last ten years have seen bumper profits. The fat cats raking it in and driving around in their fancy cars. The prices so high in these shops that the average person could not shop there all the time. And at no time did these companys pass on any savings to the public, except for christmas when they wanted to get rid of their stock. And then that was brief. So why now are these same companys, that readily took our money, wanting us to bail them out? Why should we? Half of the British institutional companies are not even British anymore. The banks who had promised security and interest profits are the same. So years ago, when my nan moaned about banks not being safe and hiding her money in a chest under the bed. She was right. Of course at the time I though she was barking mad and asking for trouble, but Iwas raised where we all trusted banks. Nothing had happened during my lifetime to suspect otherwise. So now what? Where do we put our money? In the chest? Invest? in what? spend and throw caution to the wind. My nan did this as well. She always said she couldnt take it with her when she died so why not. After all money and religion are a cause of a lot of trouble. Perhaps she was right. BUt then I have these values instilled in me at a young age, save save save. future pension..... but they have all gone tits up as well. hmmmmmmmmmm that is the second time I have used the word 'tit'. Anyway, so what the hell should I do? Open twenty bank accounts and spread it about seems like the answer for now. I guess..........
Yesterday I painted in the studio all afternoon. I was finishing off works and beginning new ones. By the time I emerged it was pitch black out. I could barely see my way back to the house. I even thought I may have stepped on a hedgehog on my way back. But when I looked this morning there was nothing there..
Apparently there is a lovely photo in the Sussex Times of Aria and I from my last show. Will have to have a peek when I pop out next. I will scan it and put it up..
Oh yes on another note I have started the process of the girls and odd camp blokes artists group.
That is the old name for Brighton. I have bought the domain and have sufficent webspace to creat a fab site. I will be starting with a core few and working my way from there. It will be for artist in and around Brighton.
Right must run
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