Tuesday, 13 January 2009

The Drive

Well since I cannot think of anything really mind altering, I thought I must just rant. Today I had to drive up to Oxford. I could have gone through Guildford and taken hours or go rather quickly via the M25. Of course I decided to throw caution to the wind and take the M25. Luckily the roads were quite clear. But I did wonder if I would crack yet another windshield on the M25. It seems everytime I go up there, this happens. It is the bloody trucks, when they keep changing lanes. But this time , I am happy to report I have mine intack. Everything seems nicer in oxfordshir and buckinghamshire. Even the Mcdonalds. Yes I did pop in there. But in my defense I had an eleven year old with me, who kept insisting we just make a quick stop. SO of course who am i to say no. A trip to Mcdonalds is rather like sex when your a teenager, in a strange way. Your appetite is so strong and you order enough to fill your belly. Its great going down but afterwards you are left reeling, why on earth did i bother. Big Tasty, my ass! After you have eaten the thing, tasty is last thing on my mind. And I promptly felt sick as a dog. Of course back then we were all doing it wrong! Anyway, I now know all the latest Katy Perry tunes and all the songs from High School Musical 3. I even was suckered into stopping off to get a new wii game. Mind you, I do enjoy that myself. Wonder if I will get in the studio tomorow?
hope soooooooooooooooooooo

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