Let me start by sharing my dream last night with you. I was younger than I am now, not by much but was a teenager... ;) I was playing in a field with a friend. We were jumping off of hay bales into tall meadow grass with wild flowers. Not sure how long the hay bales had been there or why they were there but it looked as though someone had tried to construct a house and had given up. The sun was just about to go down and everything had a soft glow to it. I could here the foxes playing and owls beginning to emerge. We decided we had better wander home as we were getting hungry. Along the way we found a large mirrored disco ball discarded by the side of the road. We thought how lovely it would look hanging from our tree in the back garden. So we went about trying to dislodge it. It slowly came free and began to roll towards our house. Now when I say our house, I have no idea who I was with but I knew we were related somehow and that we lived in the same house.. No sooner had we got it into the house and in the back garden, did the doorbell ring. I went to get the door and it was an old man. I had recognised him as William Burroughs. He reached into his bag he had slung across his body and pulled out a camera. I was slightly relieved it wasn't a gun..... 'Here', he said 'I have something for you, it belongs to you' I reached my hand out and felt the weight of the camera. Black with a silver edge and older looking, but unmistakeably belonging to me. I looked up at him and smiled. He gave me a crooked smile in return and closed his bag. I began flipping the camera around in my hand, lost in its marvel. When I looked up Mr Burroughs had gone. I shut the door..
perhaps I am meant to be taking photos instead of painting...
I have started reading 'Junkie ' so that is why perhaps he is at the forefront of my mind.
Tomorrow I need to tackle a marathon of painting. Here's to hoping my mojo is on top form.
I have download the new Eminem album so will let you know what I think of it, with out using naughty words... well maybe one or two...
One of my children got into trouble for squirting a joke camera at a teacher. Even after saying sorry and writing an apology, it was seemed not good enough.. Now I can see if it was done with intent and malicious but this was all in jest and for this particular teacher to have been sprayed, they must have thought her 'in the gang' . A detention was issued. pththththth big dislike!
The lovely Charles Runcie who bought my poppy painting is having it framed. I cant wait to see it all finished. They always look so much better with the right packaging and in situ.
Not long til we head out to France! Very excited to be able to chill and enjoy the sun, drink wine, paint, swim, ..... *sigh*
Karen out xx
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