My mind has been having a field day at night again. Its funny what is so trivial in the day is a mountain at night. It has been hard for me to focus lately, might be because the kids have been off of school and I keep getting sidetracked. I have a few visitors coming this spring so trying to think ahead of what I will need. Also is our French home which needs a few more bits to kit it out. Thinking about taking the piano there as would get more time to tinker. See what I mean about trivial...... Also I have opened our garden this year for the gardens and arts, so I am doing a mental list of what I need to organise. Like who I would like to have exhibit their work. I already have confirmed a few and have tackled the start of the garden. Which I must say is looking rather lovely. Except for my pots that have caught the frost this year. Bloody things, they were supposed to have been frost proof. I awoke this morning wishing I was ten. Life was so much easier then. Before 'divorce' . All I would have to worry about was homework, *sigh*......My daughter had a sleepover last night.... I could hear them giggling, it was lovely and reminded me of sleep overs at my friends house next door in her basement. Singing ABBA into a hairbrush.........Naivety ..........phoning random people and telling them jokes before hanging up on them, like, is your fridge running? better go and catch it then..... but that was before caller id.. But this was a time when you used to let your kids out to play and wander about. I remember going down to a large pond with my brother and pretending to be Huckleberry Finn. we made a raft and explored trees. We were gone hours! Without the need for computers or phones.... Is there still a world like this? Do people actually communicate in the flesh anymore? haha as I type this on my laptop.....twat! haha.
Anyway I thought I might share a drunken photo of me scaling the train wall in London when I went with the girls a couple of weeks ago. It had to be done. We all had a bash and I was captured. I still have some rebellion in me yet. Of course I do! Speaking of which poor MALCOLM MACLAREN. RIP. x
Have a great day and try and live in the moment.
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