Well Christmas is winding down and the New year is upon us, with what I am told is the Blue moon.. SO I would like to know if all the things that one says over the years, 'once in a blue moon' will happen. Hmmm
After what was another memorable Christmas with the tins of chocs, and food enough to feed an army, its no wonder I have put on a few pounds. Don't get me wrong I do love the tins of chocolates, I just hate all that entails with the tins of chocs. The delving in trying to find my favourite in amongst all the wrappers so carelessly tossed and left in there from the previous diver. Not naming any names but grrrrrrrr. Once in a while I will find one that had been nibbled and sucked and re wrapped. Kids! And they are usually my favourite ones as well which makes it even more frustrating. Its like a cycle. forage, find, unwrap , eat, ........ then before you know it you are sitting there with a heap of wrappers and on hell of a bellyache. Bloody things! I curse them and love them................*sigh*
Then there is the curse of the Christmas cards. Have I remembered everyone, have I even mailed them off.. The panic before..... reminders throughout the house.. that last address to get on that envelope. the stamps..... agh. deliveries. You know what I forgot pretty much the lot this year.. BAH.. but once Christmas day has passed its like a huge weight has been lifted.. clocks ticked ,m time has passed and I am in the clear til next year, Phew!
I looked at the tree this morning and notice it has lost its perkiness. Bit like me really! There is always this let down after Christmas.. Mind you I suppose there is the New Year to ring in.
I must admit I was pretty chuffed with my pressies this year. I wont bore you with what they were but they were very fantastic.
The kids presents on the other hand... well honestly I love playing with the kids and building things but the packaging and putting things together can really break you... one word LEGO!
Now this has really tried my patience this year. how small do they have to get the little bits.... As I struggle to assemble these ships and cars, I cant help but secretly thinking the hoover would much more love it than I...
Then there is all the gadgets that the kids have gotten , I have found myself with my techno geek head on trying to get them online and configured. Of course nothing ever goes swimmingly. So what appears to be a quick install or setup actually translates to , forget watching the film tonight as you will be chained to the table configging. Is that even a word configging? Ah who knows sounds good. You see I was born with this stubborn gene where when I start something I have to finish it then and there and will not rest or stop obsessing about it. It can be a blessing and burden.
Well must dash as I have things to attend. Hope you all have a great New year and celebrate in the style which suits you best. I know I will.
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