Race for Life..
Well today I ran the race for life for Cancer research..
We stared off in Stanmer park in Brighton. Mind you first Ginette and I had to find it and after a few wrong turns we finally did.. We would so end up in another country if we were to go farther than Brighton I am sure.
Anyway, I am not sure but I think there was more than 3000 of us all together. We were put into groups as in starting order. like the runners first then the joggers then the walkers. We went with the joggers as I knew we wouldnt be able to keep pace and do the whole way running. Besides all I had on was flipflops anyway.. Me and my competitive spirit hey? haha But I must say they held up rather well and I stayed the course with all the others who had proper shoes on.. which was all of them.. But Ginette did assure me she thought she another one wearing flipflops as well. The race started off a bit slow , but you try and direct 3000 through bottle necks and taped lines.. By the time we got half way we were on a steady pace and were able to keep the course.. I did have a mishap along the way where I thought I was a goner when a dog tried to trip me up. He had the look in his eye i could tell. It was when we were all going up the hill and everyone was walking it, you couldnt have passed them if you tried. But I noticed when we were all breaking with the brisk walking people were taking the time to read the girls backs in front. Each one donned a picture or name of a loved one that had fallen to cancer.. or even themselves. It was a reflection period.. I did find my mind wander a bit and giggled when I wondered if any of the girls had stopped along the way to do a Paula Radcliff. But I didnt see any, just the odd one stopping to take layers of clothes off.
Anyway, when you could hear the crowd cheering toward the end and it just gave you that little bit of extra push to finish.. As I finished I threw my arms in the air and yelled, "I did it in flip flops!" haha we were then given a bottle of water and a goodie bag of girlie bits..and a medal! I poured the water over myself to cool down as my face was on fire. But my old body held up! We then wandered over to the icecream van and got an icecream. As i looked down at myself I noticed it looked as though I had wee'd all down my leg. Then I remembered I had watered myself! Twat!
It was a fantastic day.................
Then I finished the day off with a cold beer in the garden and a BBQ.
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