Well I really do not now where to begin>............ it has been a very busy time as of late. School finishing and lots of playing going on as well as trips here and there.. The sun has become somewhat elusive after wimbledon. Perhaps it lost its way? Anyway, I have just come back after a mini girly festival.. We have called it Beckfest. This basically consists of posh frocks, wellies, drunken stupor, tiaras, wings, glitter, naked dancing and feral children. All of which happened.
In the day when we were setting up the tents, which I might add was a feat in itself. HMMMMM wonder if we remembered to mark out where the bits go for next year. I really must not go into too much that went on because like Vegas, what happens in Beckfest stays in Beckfest! But there was lots of giggling. must remember for next year to shut the tent so the damp does not get into it.
It was funny listening to the night sounds,, the odd animal, birds, things foraging in the bushes...that might have been me. And every once in a while you could hear another festival taking place on the downs up chanctonbury ring! The stars were bright and the air was cool.
I think alot of lessons were learned but we can use that for next year.
I am off to France for a couple weeks soon so not sure if I will get a chance to write here again, but you never know.
Still working on getting this book sorted as well as a few other projects for the fall. I have been busy painting commissions lately.
Oh I have been watching TrueBlood on the telly which looks good so far.
cheerio for now xx