Sunday, 19 April 2009

8 shots fired

I am driving along a highway,, mountains in the skykine.. the rain is lashing down and over the radio comes a story of a missing family and eight shots were heard in the area but the family cannot be found.. i keep driving, in the distance I can see a man with a shot gun at the edge of the woods. he has long wet hair and we catch each others eyes.. i keep driving..

a bit later, the sun is shining. I am running up a hill to see a friend of mine who has her daughter with her.. They want to use a butterfly net to catch some wildlife. Apparently this is a not allowed.. by who I have no idea.. There is a couple beside me who have two dogs and everytime they put the leads on them they freeze like statues. stiff as a board.. I tell them to let them free but they say they cant as it is forbidden. then i see another couple at the bottom of the hill with turtles, little ones and they too are frozen, almost dead like.. I stand up and realease the dogs and they go off running and jumping full of life. then i go down the hill to the turtles and release them.. The run, yes run!! I know they are turtles but this is my dream and they are running.. in one of their haste, one is thrown from the shell and lost, dead but the other one runs up towards my friend and her net.. it leaps through and feeds on what she had captured in there.. I run back up and step on the remainder of what if left of the fallen turtle.

next thing I know i am sitting next to her and this amazon woman is next to me and trying punch me so i put my hands up and begin kicking her.. she is telling me I cant release anything and it is against the law to have a butterfly net.

then we are in the car taking my friend to her new job at the university hospital facility.

'family missing, 8 shots fired'

she is expecting a new mentor to teach her about the basics of physics and the effects on habilitaion. she is tending a patient, who happens to be morgan fairchild, when this woman walks in, its the same woman that was pummelling me, she shoots this device towards her and out shoots hundreds of tiny newpapers that land on her starting from the bottom and layering their way up, sealing her and freezing her.

I stand there dumbfounded,

then i wake up

Think i need a coffee now hehe..
Just another nights dreams

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