Thursday, 29 December 2011

Happy Holidays

Well this year has been a roller coaster to say the least. I have loved like nobody's business and been heart broken beyond anything I ever thought possible. Treachery, deceit and more drama than a soap opera could ever fathom. But it is almost finished, this year of torment and I know that 2012 is going to better and full of golden opportunities. I have laid the groundwork and am already on my way.

I must admit, I haven't been at the easel for a few weeks, but that is all to change. I mean I did a few poppy paintings but that is it. I promise to create in the new year. I truly do..

I have taken up Tennis, which I am throwing myself into. Really enjoying it as well.

I am working hard and still studying. I have goals to attain and a future to carve. Rome wasn't built in a day.

The kidlets had a grand Christmas and I ate and drank too much. Just the way it is meant to be.

I have bought myself some shiny new skates and am on the case.

All I can say for the new year is, love like no ones business, even if it ends it was worth it. Forget the shit and the rubbish that follows. Only see the good in people no matter how bad they are.

Most of all, realise how lucky you are. Value what you have and love what is near. Treasure your family and be yourself. There is so many that are less fortunate than you. SO many. We are truly blessed , even though most of the time we are unable to see.

Saturday, 8 October 2011


SO last night I ventured up to Islington to see office party. Its like going to a work do with a couple of hundred people all recreated. The only thing is you dont know anyone to giggle at, but by the end of the night I found myself submerged in the whole scenario. There is actors that walk about and ask you questions and you soon feel as though you belong. There was the girl who strips off and swings around the pole and the boys who get there kit off. (I saw ginger pubes!) Not for the faint hearted I have to say. There is even a bit of fake sick involved. All in all I have to say it was entertaining and original. I had just wished my heels were comfy.. damn.. OH yes when you arrive you are assigned an area of the office where you work as well. Like account, HR, etc...x

Courvoisier Cognac went down a treat.. I forgot how much I liked that drink..

Seems I had forgotten a whole bunch of things about myself lately as I had been busy trying to please others.

Very dumb.

Here is a review from the Fringe review..

Low Down

Office Party is a concept devised by Ursula Martinez of 'La Clique' fame and FringeReview favourite Christopher Green . It makes it's Edinburgh debut at office block, Appleton Towers, after a successful run at the Barbican last Christmas.


Office Party is a theatre experience so different, engaging and downright fun it is hard to quantify. I say 'theatre experience', but this seems so limiting and reductive,Office Party is miles apart from anything else you will experience at the Fringe this year and for all the right reasons.

Firstly, the unsuspecting audience were directed towards tables where they were given coloured name badges indicating a department of the company. My companion and I were 'domestic services', the official title of the cleaners. Our group were paired with section leader, Cath, a delightful and warm performer, and herded into the men's toilets for a briefing.

The audience were then directed around the cavernous space at Appleton towers, with departments competing against each other in series of quizzes and contests. Also thrown in was some exceptional cabaret entertainment from Ursula Martinez and a special appearance by Christopher Green's Tina C to name but a few.

This is site-specific work where the concept and the performance space work together seamlessly, it was totally consuming, filled with unexpected moments of humour. By the time the night drew to a close, the feeling that you had been at an office party for two hours was inescapable- and boy what a party!

All of the performers involved in this show embodied their roles, playing about with office stereotypes to great effect and improvising with the audience beautifully- and although my bias is clear, Cath really made the night. Another unique aspect of this performance was they way in which the audience sections bonded with each other, as well as unselfconsciously interacting with the performers, forming a real sense of camaraderie. The ease with which the audience seemed to so naturally become part of the performance makes you wonder what the hell are we doing sitting in the dark for long periods of time this August, when we could be out at office parties!?

Take a group of friends, have a few drinks, lose your inhibitions and get ready for what has to be the best night out of the Fringe.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Life moves forward.

With things beginning to settle somewhat after the 'dust storm of 2011', which I have named it. Bits and pieces are falling into place. Well some things.... I had a fabulous meeting today with the lovely Louise from The Teenage Cancer Society. We are hoping to launch and exciting new fundraising opportunity with artists and making it an annual event. It is very infantile in its stages but sees to be something big. Growing every year. This is good for me to have something to focus on at the moment, while I gain strength back after the great storm. lol

I am also just finishing up four pieces of work for the White Hart. ( my Local ).

Also I would like this opportunity to say, well we all make decisions in our lives for one reason or other. But the reason is always important to us as individuals, others can't see it at first. But in time all will become clear. You can't judge anyone for a decision or their choice, but rather be there when and if it fails. There are far too many judgemental people in this world. Acceptance is the key. No matter how much it hurts at the time.


Saturday, 1 October 2011

New Shoes

Have you ever bought a new pair of shoes that you thought were the bees knees? I mean the kind you look at and go wow I just have to wear those. You think you have the perfect outfit for them and they will go with everything. SO you buy them and take them home. Of course you have tried them on and even though they are snug you still take them. They, of course have no other sizes. You get home and lay them out on the bed and marvel at how beautiful they are. You rush to your wardrobe and take a dress out. As an ensemble they look amazing and you cant wait to wear them out on the town. You quickly call your friends and say lets go out. They say they havent anything to wear as you do too , knowing full well you have the pukker outfit sitting on your bed. The night arrives and you are all ready to go out and show your shoes to the world. Everyone is in awe of them and asks you where you got them. you are the bell of the ball. But as the night wears on you begin to notice the shoes becoming less comfortable and wait is that a blister? Your face begins to show the pain and your friends ask if you are ok. You of course admit all is fine sitting in the wings because you can hardly dance in the shoes anymore. When you arrive home and take the shoes off, your feet are aching like they have never ached before. They are full of blisters and cramp. Rubbed raw. You put the shoes in the closet and there they stay for years.. How long do you keep these shoes in your cupboard before finally admitting defeat? They still look so great but you know in your heart they are just going to hurt you.
I am wearing heels again after breaking my ankle btw

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Sun is shining.

Well the Uk is basking in sunshine and I am happy. I have great news but don't dare reveal it yet as to jinx it. Actually two bits of exciting news.. So stay tuned.

Have you ever had faith in someone and believed in them, when it seems they can't quite believe in themselves. Or perhaps can't see what you see? Well you are not alone there. Sometimes you just have to see the good no matter what. Sod the rest. Its not worth anything.

So looks like the lastest place to visit on a Wednesday is Wabi in Horsham. Cocktails are 4£. Guess where I am going? Will try and not get too messy. Emphasis on try of course.


Monday, 26 September 2011


Wow it really has been a while. I dont even really know where to start to be honest.. SO much has happened that really it all seems like a dream. What I thought was real wasn't and visa versa. But its really not worth going into so will leave it at that. The past is the past. From now on its the present and future all the way.. No more obstacles to block my path. So out of hibernation I come.

Some of you know I have been doing an accounting course. I am please to say that so far I have passed all my exams and now into the computerised bit. Really loving it and still painting to boot. Although I have been rather slack at getting the commissions out that seem to be mounting, so apologies to those who are still waiting. DOH..

SO, As I am newly single,,, yes SINGLE... seems I am attracting a few nut jobs along the way. Like flys to fly paper. WHY???? ARGH... This weekend was no exception. I am all new to this and not sure where to start really. SO keeping my head down and focusing on school , kids and art etc.. Oh and the gym... Seems a great place to get rid of that pent up energy. SO if any of you want to paint the town red let me know. I want to go dancing!!! SO bad.. Where does one go?

karen x

Sunday, 13 March 2011


So what have I been up to you ask? Well I could tell you but then I would have to kill you. Really I have been so busy that I haven't even kept track of what I have been doing.. Does that make sense? My daughter was shot for a bookcover by the lovely Larry Rostant. He does photographic illustration.. this is a shot he did of Aria.

Just thought I would share. xx