Well I have been super busy as of late. Mostly enjoying the lovely weather and pottering about finishing a few commissions. I Have my garden open again this year for the local Gardens and Arts. I have to say I have been somewhat rather slack on the garden front. HAHA. But it looks lovely still. The wisteria on the front of the house is in full bloom and looks breathtaking. Even the Clematis and roses are starting too. I have had my brother and his girlfriend over from Canada for a visit. It has been great seeing the UK through their eyes. You realise you take a lot of things for granted really. I took them to the local beach and we sat there and all got burnt, as you do.. I curse my factor 50 for not getting itself perfectly even on my body.. haha. We have had some great barbeque's as well, just hope this weather lasts a bit longer!
On another note, I am painting another Stag. I also have a few more cockerels to complete and my bluebell woods. I suppose I had better get cracking really as I only have three more weeks. But who can turn down such lovely weather?