Sometimes when wee ones rattle on, you tend to tune out. Especially if its a wee boy in question. Today however, Maia said something quite funny. Walking by the tin opener she paused. Then she turned and said ' who invented the tin opener? Was is Frankenstein?' I immediately knew what she meant. She meant Einnstein. However he didnt invent it either, I am sure. Haha , I would just like to know what her world must be like. With Frankenstein inventing tin openers and Dracula inventing the phone, who is there about to scare everyone?
Today I stared a new painting. Its of a Blythe doll and for a special someone. I havent painted dolls in years, so its been an interesting day. Here is what I have done so far.

After yesterdays lovely sun, I was all geared up for some today.. The morning was a bit hazy but I waited all day for the sun to break through.... it didnt :(
Oh yes mothers day just passed here. I was served a lovely breakfast in bed. There was toast, fruit, coffee and a box of chocolates. Guess which one I scoffed!! YES, you guessed right. I ate the whole Cadburys box and felt sick for the rest of the day.. But I ask you, What would you have chosen? It just kept staring at me in the face!
I feel really good that I got cracking in the studio today.. I swear my body clock is still in a different time zone. I still, after all these years tend to be a night owl. But somewhere in the world I am a morning person. haha That is what I tell myself anyway.
Well best be rolling........
Happy painting.....xx