Thursday, 25 February 2010

Crusty Crab

How rude of me. I had forgotten to put my little dining experience adventure on here.

Well I have just returned from my fine dining experience at the CRUSTY CRAB. (in Lennon's bedroom)

I was greeted at the door and asked if I was alone? Well of course I was! The first
thing I noticed was the lovely mood lighting set with car light donning the walls. Then for entertainment in the corner I could just make out Power Rangers on the TV. I was ushered to my table, with which sat a lovely girl already. Her name was Aria and she had been accosted from the bedroom next door. We were then offered a menu from the lovely Maia, who looked very familiar to me. ;) On the menu, was a choice of Crabby Patties, small, double or Monster. There was also a salad, fries, soda and hot chocolate. I chose the double Crabby Patty with a side salad and soda. Shortly later, I was approached by whom I was told was the owner of this establishment. His name was Lennon. He was wearing full chef outfit and kind of reminded me of a young Gordon Ramsay, without the abuse of course. He told me my dinner was on the house. I was most impressed. My dinner arrived on a lovely tray that looked very much like a book I had read to my children. ;) I bantered back and forth with my companion at the table and we both agreed it was a lovely place. When it was time to leave we were even given a sticker that was shiny on our shirts. I think the place deserves 5 Michelin stars for sure! Will definitely be going back there. kxx


when Rage Against the Machine stated they were going to hold a free concert for making them Christmas number one, I was quite eager to get my hands on a ticket. When they announced you had to register first hand and then load a photo for approval, I did so. I received my number to put into the site when the tickets were released. So that morning, I waited and set my alarm to not miss out. Which, if anyone knows me its easy, as I am easily distracted! I logged in to the site and noticed it kept on crashing. I opened a few different browsers and waited......waited...... 25 minutes after the said time I was in. Bearing in mind I was doing other things at the same time and the fact that I had even noticed it had gone to the other page was amazing. Anyway, I put my number in , but then noticed there was a slot for another number. Then it dawned on me, every single ticket had to have a photo on. Not, two people going in on one ticket like I had assumed. Bugger! I would have no time what so ever to upload another photo and get that approved. So now I have a solo ticket for me! I am sure if I read the small print I would have noticed, haha. I am now on the quest to find any others that may have gotten a ticket. If not then I will be going solo! AGH! Serves me right for rushing into things again.

I am about to go into the studio and get tucked into a few more paintings. Which reminds me I have no ink left in my printer. Why do they make them so small? Such a nuisance really.

I see the Killer whale in Florida has yet again killed a person. So why do they insist on keeping them in captivity? It brings me back to the pet owners that think their pet wont hurt anyone. How do they know? You cant read people so why does it seem different with animals?

Well my turps are calling so cheerio for now.


Tuesday, 23 February 2010

Whiskers and Fur

Oh yes before I forget I thought I should share my new little venture. After many a request I have decided to do pet portraits. As pets dont usually sit still very long, I will have to work from a photograph. So it will be up to you to capture that lovely shot and mail it to me. It works best as a close up and of good quality to print. More whimsical ideas would be if your pet is looking up or has one paw out. Something different from the norm where I may add a butterfly or a bird. Here is an idea of what I mean, but bear in mind I have not quite finished the butterfly yet. This is my friends Ginette and Aidans little Tala. As I paint in oils, the painting will need to dry for a while. Just thought I would say this as some people may expect it the next day. I quite enjoy painting little furry things, I watch them come to life slowly on the canvas.

If you have any enquiries you can contact me on :

Big Love xxxx

Tick Tock

Living in a small town can have its good points and bad points. The good points are hard not to miss, with their local shops and friendly faces. On the other hand underneath the surface lays a gossip sect! You might accidentally fall on your path outside your home but three days later its around the village you have been in a nasty car accident. haha . The tales spun can be truly magnificent in their own right. Another thing that seems to be a village thing is the way nobody says anything to your face. Or the jealousy and envy for those that seem to be doing well. I can really only put it down to their lack of experience in outside village life and not ever having witnessed different cultures as well as having nothing better to do. Its quite sad ignorance is still so prevalent in our society. I have to say not all are like this and I have come across some fantastic people. I am blessed to have such fantastic friends in my life. Its just a shame a few wreck it for all. Perhaps it is a global thing. Quite often opinions are formed without seeing the whole story, conversation...etc.. Imagine if you hadn't read the ending to 'Of Mice and Men' . Thank god these people are not running our judicial system or many a lamb would have been thrown to the slaughter. And we would all be walking about with knifes protruding from our backs! HMMMMM wonder if this will be printed and posted?

On another note, spring is finally around the corner. I did see a few ducks flying back from their escape to the warmth.. Perhaps something I should have done as well. It seems as though it has been a long winter this year. Especially with our snow!

I am about to finish off a painting I have been working on. I seem to be having trouble finding the time as of late. Things seem to be going faster and faster all the time. tick tock........ I feel as though I am the white rabbit and always late for that important date.

This year is the year of change. Lots of things will be happening. I cannot divulge anything as of yet but its all better and brighter. After all the world is your oyster and if you don't take the plunge and chase your dream yourself it will pass you by.


Monday, 8 February 2010




Turn a page: enter our world - We have one earth!
On 1st March, internationally acclaimed Mirca Art Group releases its second major art book, Planet Earth
Planet Art, in support of the environmental and social grassroots network Friends Of The Earth

Ninety-five artists present their artwork as a voice raised to bring awareness of the urgent problems of the
imbalanced lifestyles and unsustainable environmental consumption we humans face, accompanied by a
personal statement which brings the clarity of the artist to these problems.
These artists come from such nations as the UK, USA, Saudi Arabia, Hungary, China, Brazil, Greece, Libya,
India, France, the Netherlands, Denmark and Sweden (and many others), and thus this book is truly a global
voice, with contributions from East and West, from the developed and developing worlds.
Delightfully presented in an elegantly designed coffee-table book format, this collection of contemporary
artforms ranges from the abstract to the photographic, the visionary to the spectacular, and is prefaced by
a wonderful poem (quoted above) entitled Make Art, Not War from Nnimmo Bassey, the Chair of Friends
Of The Earth International.

With a wonderful cover from Indian graphic artist Narasimha Gollapudi Murthy and edited as a
collaboration between Mirca Art Group and British visionary artist Bruce Rimell, this book is a must-have
for any art lovers wishing to experience the insights of artists addressing the greatest issue that mankind
faces today: the protection and sustainability of our Planet Earth and the biodiversity that dwells upon it.

Planet Earth Planet Art is available in three formats, all in 10x8in (25x20cm) landscape: Softcover,
Hardcover with Dust Jacket and Hardcover with Image Wraparound, from quality book publisher
Purchase the book from:
For further information, please contact: Bruce Rimell via
For information on the many other Mirca Art Group projects:

Oh and by the way, I am honoured to have

My painting and words in it as well!
