As the UK is in the grip of winter, I seem to have time to reflect upon things. If any of you have been watching the news , you will be all too aware of our plight. The rations of milk and panic buying just seem to be a knock on effect of the weather. Its all very exciting and one thing that I have noticed more than anything is the friendliness that has seemed to have taken over the British public. Watching Neighbours who normally don't even give so much of a nod go out of their way to help each other. Its very endearing!
I recently ran into a girl, well when I say girl I mean a 30 year old woman. She said to me she didn't like so and so..{another woman}. and when I asked why? The reason I got was when they were younger, 8 , this girl had pushed her off her bike. WHAT? So an act done years ago when you were a child, has pigeonholed this girl her whole life. I am reflecting upon this because such things have happened to me. I remember being younger and fighting with my brother, as siblings do. I was 10. This other girl had seen and preceded all through my teens to be horrible to me and I am sure to this day she would if she could. Bearing in mind she had brothers and did the same. I find it very difficult to understand such narrow mindedness and lack of understanding human nature. So a single event that can happen in an instant has forged peoples prospective with no room for change. This is just ludicrous. When an event such as a death or near death may be life altering for you, for others you will still remain what they have perceived. People are so quick to judge past actions when having Never experienced anything remotely the same themselves. I have learnt over the years not to listen to such judgments unless the judge has walked in my shoes. I have also learnt if those who feel they are righteous and judge the most aren't worth knowing and would rather NOT have them in my life.
Phew! That was a bit deep.
Back to the snow.
Well I know the British are not geared up for the snow, but seriously, this doesn't warrant stupidity. I am surprised at how many are attempting to drive and get out on the roads only to have others push them about every 5 minutes. Then hit the brakes, step of the gas and steer wildly. There is road signs that have been ploughed into and fences every block. The ice is thick and there is icicles hanging dangerously above peoples heads. I suppose the stupidest thing I have seen is the man in the high street using a large spade to scrape the ice off of his jag! The window and the body.
Well I have decided I am going to wander up to the High Street to see what is open and get a few bits and bobs.. Wish me luck!