No rest for the wicked they say!! And I feel that is true.
I am compiling a book of art for
War Child works with children affected by war in Iraq, Afghanistan, Democratic Republic of Congo and Uganda. We work with children who have been hit hardest by the joint forces of poverty, conflict and social exclusion. Our groundbreaking work with former child soldiers, street children and children in prison has supported and helped thousands who would otherwise not have been able to reintegrate with their community, gain access to education or enjoy sustainable livelihood support.
War Child is a charity that works with children living in war zones.
The children we work with participate directly in our decision making and project design. In this way our projects reflect their needs not ours.
War Child works closely with other aid organisations and local and national government to ensure the knowledge and skills gained through our work are shared with as many people as possible. In this way we are able to help many more children than we can hope to reach directly.
I am looking for inspiring images to be made into a coffee table book to be sold worldwide/
Visual Artists must supply an image of a tasteful nature as it is a childrens charity. All the proceeds will go to WARCHILD.
The deadline for submissions is June 25th.
Please send a high res j.peg of the image you wish to submit along with your contact details and words describing the image.
label it 'warchild project'
I already have some amazing pieces sent in by brilliant artists!! It will ba a lovely project when completed.
I hope have it finished by Christmas.
I am off in a moment down to Brighton to see a cbeebies presenter and let the kids paint a few items. My teapot has been fired and I will take a piccy of it to post on here later. Also of the other ones involved. I hear Gordon Ramsay has done one as well as a few other names.
The sun is shining and my trip over the downs will be lovely.
c u later!