hmmmmmmmmm not really sure I should be writing when in this type of mood.. I feel a bit Lost the last couple of days.. Not in a new moon keep me awake kind of way..but a shattered, cold, cant be bothered kind of way. I know everyone had these sort of feelings once in a while, and I know it is a phase. Or lack of b12, which reminds me I need to take one of those..
The sun was bright today and air crisp. I am not good in the cold. I need and crave warmth.. It is like a switch that turns me on. I feel as though I just want to curl up and sleep. hibernate.
Anyway, I am gently reminded of the saying ' too many chiefs and not enough indians' when watching the news. Politicians! Why the hell do we even have them? why are most male? All they do is spend spend spend and make crap decisions. meet to have meetings, deduct, lavish, buy, waste, drink, dine, /.......secrets, sex, lies, ...... opinions........EVIL.. the lot of them. empty promises, tall stories, false hopes, gleaming smiles, pressed suits, picture perfect, stylists, waste....................I am losing faith in humanity.......
I think I need some chocolate
Monday, 30 March 2009
Tuesday, 24 March 2009
Through my eyes
I am left this morning wondering if I am the only one that views things in a different way? I know we all notice what is pleasing to our eyes and we have different tastes, but what about the way we see life in general? I often wonder if I am really actually here, and where is exactly here? I asked my son what had happened at school today and he went into this elaborate story of how this boy at school had a toothpaste accident and was left with a bruised eye, it wasnt until later I had realised he was talking about a spongebob show! I hope this does not mean he is mixing fiction with reality, then again it would mean he is like me! haha I tend to be a little dreamy and need to bring myself back to earth....focus....very hard..! So today I am locking myself in the studio and not coming out, well except to pee and replenish myself. I seem to have this void that just cannot be filled, will i ever be content? who knows? I have finished all my sketches and will begin on my surreal characters today. I will try and get some photos up tomorrow. Seems sunny out so that may boost my energy a bit. kx
Saturday, 21 March 2009
lost and found
Well I have returned from my short but sweet trip to Canada with my daughter. We did loads of visiting and the usual holiday activities which of course made my trousers tighter on my return. I saw some old friends which was lovely and so comforting to me. I even found something I had lost along the way.
It was very cold as they seem to be having a delayed winter. It even snowed while I was there. It did disturb me to see downtown Vancouver has all but wiped out the beautiful skyline. The charm and the purity that was once there lay buried beneath the few historic buildings that remain. This is so sad to see. But it is there somewhere under the towers and vacant faces trolling Robson, I have been reassured. Only verbally mind you, because I sure as hell never saw it! The drivers have somewhat worsened as well, but I suppose that is a regular occurance with the onslate of people. The one thing by far that stood out to me was all the shootings everywhere, of course we only do shanking here! So it was a surprise for me.
I loved to see my friends children all growing and making their way in life. I was thoroughly spoilt by everyones grace and I shall miss them. Thank god for skype and the internet.
Wednesday, 11 March 2009
Monday, 9 March 2009

On another note I leave for a wee trip to Canada. I am toting my eldest with me..
The clocks go back at the end of the month and you can already see the days drawing out.. SUN!! that is my nectar. I think I am part reptilian!
I really have nothing important to say or just cannot think due to me not opening the window while painting! ha I wonder how many cells I have actually fried ? agh
oh well what do I care, I wouldnt now if I did.
Oh bugger just realised I have locked my keys in the studio.. better get my breakin tools ready.. this involves me trying to boot in the door.. will let you know how it goes..
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